Prof. Peter B. Kibas joined Zetech University on 1st July, 2018 and was appointed Dean School of Business and Economics. Prof. Kibas, a Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management, is a seasoned academician and brings to the team a wealth of experience and knowledge in university leadership, business education and entrepreneurship.
He has a Doctorate (PhD) degree in Entrepreneurship Development from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UC), USA, a Master of Education Degree, Vocational/Business Studies, University of Illinois at UC and a Bachelor of Education degree, Business Studies from the University of New Bruns- wick, Canada. Additionally, he has a Diploma in Business Studies from Kenyatta University and several Certificate qualifications in business, entrepreneurship and education.
Before joining Zetech, he was a visiting Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship, School of Business at The University of Eastern Africa, Baraton; before that, he served as Vice Chancellor and Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Management at The Presbyterian University of East Africa, until June 2017. He has also served as Deputy Vice Chancellor and Founding Dean and Director, School of Business at Kabarak University. He has taught, researched and published extensively in the field of entrepreneur- ship and management; presented refereed papers in both local and international conferences; and conducted consultancies for the Kenya Institute of Management, the Government of Kenya, the World Bank, UNDP, DfID and the World Vision, among others. In academia he has supervised graduate students and examined Masters and Doctorate theses from various universities both locally and internationally.